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Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)

Company Type: , ,
Founded: 2016
Ownership Type: Subsidiary
Sony - Logo


Type: Multinational

Country: Japan

Country: Japan
Sony Interactive Entertainment Logo

Sony Interactive Entertainment is Sony’s arm for publishing video games and manufacturing gaming hardware. It was created on April 1, 2016, and replaces former Sony Computer Entertainment and Sony Network Entertainment.

Sony Interactive Entertainment LLC (Headquarter)

2207 Bridgepointe Pkwy.
San Mateo, CA 94404,
United States

Phone: +1 855-999-7669


Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.

1-7-1 Konan, Minato-ku,
Tokyo, 108-0075

Profiles and Links:

Key People

  • Jim Ryan
    Jim Ryan

    Jim Ryan

    Country: United States
    Company: Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
    Position: President and CEO

    Jim Ryan
    Jim Ryan
    Jim Ryan

    Jim Ryan

    Country: United States
    Company: Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
    Position: President and CEO

    , President and CEO
  • Kenichiro Yoshida
    Kenichiro Yoshida

    Kenichiro Yoshida

    Country: Japan
    Company: Sony
    Position: CEO and President
    Born: 1959 (age 64 years)

    Kenichiro Yoshida
    Kenichiro Yoshida
    Kenichiro Yoshida

    Kenichiro Yoshida

    Country: Japan
    Company: Sony
    Position: CEO and President
    Born: 1959 (age 64 years)

    , Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer of Sony Corporation
  • John Kodera
    John Kodera

    John Kodera

    Country: United States
    Company: Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
    Position: Representative Director and Deputy President

    John Kodera
    John Kodera
    John Kodera

    John Kodera

    Country: United States
    Company: Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
    Position: Representative Director and Deputy President

    , Representative Director and Deputy President
  • Masayasu Ito
    Masayasu Ito

    Masayasu Ito

    Country: Japan
    Company: Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
    Position: Executive Vice President
    Born: 1965 (age 59 years)

    Masayasu Ito
    Masayasu Ito
    Masayasu Ito

    Masayasu Ito

    Country: Japan
    Company: Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
    Position: Executive Vice President
    Born: 1965 (age 59 years)

    , Executive Vice President
  • Veronica Rogers
    Veronica Rogers

    Veronica Rogers

    Country: United States
    Company: Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
    Position: SVP WW Sales and Business Operations

    Veronica Rogers
    Veronica Rogers
    Veronica Rogers

    Veronica Rogers

    Country: United States
    Company: Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
    Position: SVP WW Sales and Business Operations

    , SVP, Head of Global Sales and Operations
  • Shuhei Yoshida
    Shuhei Yoshida

    Shuhei Yoshida

    Country: Japan
    Company: Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
    Position: Head of Indies Initiative
    Born: 1964 (age 60 years)

    Shuhei Yoshida
    Shuhei Yoshida
    Shuhei Yoshida

    Shuhei Yoshida

    Country: Japan
    Company: Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
    Position: Head of Indies Initiative
    Born: 1964 (age 60 years)

    , Head of Indies Initiative

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) game-related subsidiaries

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