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No Nintendo Switch 2 before April 2025?

Nintendo Switch

A recent investor call at Nintendo has just inadvertently revealed some big news about the Nintendo Switch 2. According to the transcript of the call, Nintendo president Shuntaro Furukawa stated that the company’s projected sales forecast of 13.5 million console units by March 31, 2025, will not include any sales from a new Switch device.

The Nintendo president went on to reveal that, as of yet, there is no discussed launch date for the next-gen console. As a result, many industry experts are now speculating that the chances of a Switch 2 being released in 2024 are now slim, although an announcement of a release date for the upcoming console is expected to be revealed sometime soon.

Fans were hopeful of hearing some news regarding the Switch 2 in June’s Nintendo Direct, but it has already been confirmed that this won’t be the case. So, Nintendo gamers will have to wait a little longer for any major announcements it seems.

It might be a good idea for Nintendo to announce something soon, as the investor call also revealed that the company is predicting a 20% decrease in net sales by March 31, 2025.

One piece of good news to come out of the call was confirmation that Nintendo doesn’t foresee any manufacturing issues or supply shortages. The company is ready to meet the global demand for the Switch 2 and doesn’t anticipate any major problems with the release of the console.

Nintendo also made a point to mention that it will work to prevent scalping of the new console, which was a problem the PlayStation 5 suffered from stemming from stock shortages of the console.

Furukawa also acknowledged the growing market trend of gamers buying their games digitally but asserted that Nintendo will continue to release physical game copies going forward. He also confirmed that the Switch 2 will keep using the same Nintendo Account system utilized by the current Nintendo Switch, as well as Nintendo’s mobile games.

Despite now being in its eighth year on the market, the Nintendo Switch often remains the top-selling console in many markets month over month. So, despite the 13.5-million-unit sales target of the console being somewhat ambitious, it is not unachievable and Nintendo will want to keep its momentum going until the new console is announced.

Furukawa was asked if an announcement of the Nintendo Switch 2 would potentially boost sales of the current models, but didn’t necessarily believe that it would be the case. The Nintendo president believed that it would have no real impact on present Switch sales and that the focus should be on maximizing sales of the current Switch consoles and accessories with both new and existing customers.

Finally, a point was made on the resounding sales triumph of The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and the boost The Super Mario Bros. franchise received from the release of the Super Mario Bros. Movie. In total, Nintendo surpassed its 15 million game sale projection for Super Mario titles released after the movie by more than 700,000 units.

With no major AAA releases scheduled for this year, Nintendo will now have to come up with more creative strategies if it wants to reach its 13.5 million sales goal for the year. With this in mind, Nintendo gamers could be treated to additional mid-year and end-of-year sales this year, as well as increased software and hardware bundles. That’s not a bad consolation, all things considered, while gamers wait for the Switch 2 to come out.

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