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Steam Revenue Reached $1.5B in 2014

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Statistical research by the market data group Superdata has estimated that the total revenue earned by Steam in 2014 reached $1.5bn, with Valve earning $730M out of that total amount through both their own sales and commission from third party sales.

The figures, also reported by Develop Online, have uncovered a number of other estimates as to the financial successes of Steam and its owner Valve.

Valve brought in roughly $330M income from selling third party games on their digital downloading platform, from which they take a commission of 30%.

Their three biggest titles on Steam earned the company approximately $400M. These were DOTA 2, Team Fortress 2 and Counter-Strike Global Offensive.

Superdata’s figures are only conservative estimates; the actual numbers might be higher. Valve have not commented on results of the research or released any data on their earnings yet.

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