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Haven Studios

Company Type:
Founded: 2021
Ownership Type: Subsidiary
Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
Sony Interactive Entertainment - Logo

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)

Type: Developer, Manufacturers of Game Related Hardware and Accessories, Publisher

Country: Japan

Country: Canada
Haven Studios - Logo

Haven Studios is a developer of video games based in Canada. It was founded in 2021 by Jade Raymond. In 2022, Haven Studios was acquired by Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE).

Haven Entertainment Studios Inc.

1 Place Ville Marie Suite 12102,
Montreal QC H3B1Y3,

Phone: +1 514-464-2837

Profiles and Links:

Key People

  • Jade Raymond
    Jade Raymond

    Jade Raymond

    Country: United States
    Company: Haven Studios
    Position: Founder and CEO
    Born: 1975 (age 49 years)

    Jade Raymond
    Jade Raymond
    Jade Raymond

    Jade Raymond

    Country: United States
    Company: Haven Studios
    Position: Founder and CEO
    Born: 1975 (age 49 years)

    , Founder & CEO

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