Sony has officially debuted its new extended reality (XR) headset, Xyn, designed to revolutionize 3D object creation for films, animation, and games. First introduced at CES last year, the Xyn (pronounced “zin”) was unveiled on January 7, 2025, showcasing cutting-edge features aimed at professionals in creative industries. With its sleek design and advanced functionality, Xyn is poised to be a game-changer in the realm of virtual and augmented reality.
The headset boasts 4K OLED displays, a video passthrough feature, and seamless integration with third-party design, modeling, and production software. Sony emphasized the device’s capability to “accurately capture the real world,” providing creators with the tools to bridge physical and virtual spaces effectively. A unique feature is the flip-up screen, allowing users to switch between VR and reality without removing the device, offering convenience during extended work sessions.
Complementing the hardware, Sony has introduced a companion app, Xyn Motion Studio, designed to streamline workflows and enhance the headset’s functionality. This integration ensures a smooth transition for creators using industry-standard software, making the Xyn a flexible addition to existing toolkits.
Despite the excitement surrounding its launch, Sony has yet to announce a release date or pricing details for Xyn. However, the timing of this debut is notable as it follows the recent withdrawal of Meta’s Quest Pro headset from the market. With the VR and XR space in flux, Sony’s commitment to innovation shines through, supported by its increasing investments, such as its expanded stake in Kadokawa Corporation, parent company of FromSoftware.
As noted by The Verge, the Xyn headset positions Sony as a leader in XR technology, catering to a professional audience hungry for precision and versatility in 3D content creation. While the market eagerly awaits further details, the Xyn represents Sony’s bold vision for the future of immersive technology.