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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will have dedicated servers

Call of Duty Modern Warfare - Reveal

Infinity Ward, developers of the upcoming Call of Duty: Modern Warfare reboot, have confirmed that the game will have dedicated servers. The news will be well received by fans of the franchise, who complained of a slow tick rate on Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 and were rewarded with a server update.

The original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is one of the most popular iterations in the series. Activision and Infinity Ward seem to be pulling out all the stops to ensure that the reboot is equally well-received and can revitalise the franchise, which has flagged a little in recent years.

Ensuring that the online multiplayer component of the game functions to the highest possible level seems like a sensible way to go about things. While the single-player experience hooked many early gamers to CoD, the popularity of its online multiplayer modes is what made the franchise a phenomenon.

Dedicated servers should ensure that players can compete against each other with a minimal lag – vital to the enjoyment of serious gamers – and will complement arguably the most eye-catching feature of the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare reboot. For the first time ever in a CoD game, cross-platform multiplayer will be available on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. This means that PS4, Xbox One and PC players can compete against players on any platform rather than being limited to those using the same hardware as themselves.

A number of games from what might be referred to as the golden era of CoD, for example 2007’s Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, also utilised separate servers. Activision are, therefore, relying on a hardware strategy that proved successful in the past.

A slightly less conventional throwback for the series will be the inclusion of Tamagunchis, 1990s toy pets that required owners to care for them. In Call of Duty: Modern Warfare gamers will feed their Tamagunchis with kills!

The game is set to release on October 25, 2019 on all PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Fans of the series will no doubt look forward to fattening their Tamagunchis with kills and enjoying seamless crossplay multiplayer on dedicated servers.

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