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Insomniac Games

Company Type:
Founded: 1994
Number of Employees: 400
Ownership Type: Subsidiary
Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)
Sony Interactive Entertainment - Logo

Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE)

Type: Developer, Manufacturers of Game Related Hardware and Accessories, Publisher

Country: Japan

Country: United States
Insomniac Games - Logo

Insomniac Games is a video game developer based in California, United States. It was founded in 1994 by Ted Price. In August 2019, Insomniac Games was acquired by Sony Interactive Entertainment.

Insomniac Games, Inc.

2255 N Ontario St. Suite 550
Burbank, CA 91504,
United States



Durham Studio

7806 NC Highway 751 Suite 300
Durham, NC 27713,
United States

Profiles and Links:

Insomniac Games Headquarters Burbank
Insomniac Games Headqurters in Burbank, California

Key People

  • Ted Price
    Ted Price

    Ted Price

    Country: United States
    Company: Insomniac Games
    Position: CEO
    Born: 1972 (age 52 years)

    Ted Price
    Ted Price
    Ted Price

    Ted Price

    Country: United States
    Company: Insomniac Games
    Position: CEO
    Born: 1972 (age 52 years)

    , CEO

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