Scalpers and resellers that picked up PS5 and Xbox Series X consoles reported that PS5s now sell for around 30% less than they did at launch.
More in-depth testing has revealed that the new PS5 models found on sale in Australia may actually be cooler than Sony’s standard models.
A tech YouTuber has performed a detailed breakdown of the new PS5 model that’s now being distributed in Japan and Australia.
The launch PS5 model has a serial number of CFI-1XXX, and this new Australian model has a serial number of CFI-11XX.
Sony has announced that it has managed to secure enough semiconductors to produce 12 million more PS5 consoles.
Sony has announced that the PlayStation 5 is now its fastest-selling console of all time.
It seems as though Sony is now planning on bringing out a smaller and lighter PS5 model.
A report from Bloomberg has indicated that Sony is planning to release its successor to PSVR around the holiday 2022 period.
The PlayStation 5 Standard Edition is set to break even in June 2021, according to a statement from Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE).
A recent report from Ampere Analysis indicates that PS5 sold twice as many units as the Xbox Series X/S did in the first quarter of 2021.