Nintendo President, Shuntaro Furukawa, has said that the company’s future may lie outside of the home console market. Furukawa told Nikkei in a recent interview that the company is faced with an innovation dilemma due to their previous successes. Furukawa said that the company isn’t 100 percent focussed on their consoles. Right now Nintendo is […]
Nintendo have announced that Super Smash Bros Ultimate, the latest game in the franchise, has sold 3 million units in the US in just 11 days.
Reggie Fils-Aime, Head of Nintendo of America, said that half of all Nintendo Switch owners also own one of the three biggest games for the console.
Reggie Fils-Aime, President of Nintendo of America, has said in a statement that the company are confident that they will hit the Switch unit sales targets.
Nintendo reported that for the period beginning Thanksgiving through Black Friday and Cyber Monday, their revenues were at more than $250 million.
Nintendo confirmed that the latest game in the Smash Bros franchise, Super Smash Bros Ultimate, has become the best pre-selling game on the Nintendo Switch.
A recent post on Twitter made Zelda fans excited as they debate the prospect of being able to play The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword on Nintendo Switch.
The latest Pokemon titles will launch in just over a week for Nintendo Switch. While many expected a new full Pokemon RPG for the console, Nintendo instead elected to push that title into 2019, choosing to release a tie-in to Niantic’s popular mobile title Pokemon Go first. Pokemon Go will launch on November 16, 2018 […]
Since the game’s release in October Super Mario Party for Nintendo Switch has sold more than 1.5 million units worldwide.
Nintendo have updated their dedicated video game sales units page, revealing that the Nintendo Switch has now hit 22.86 million units sold.