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Opinion, Commentary, Analysis

What’s Next for Open World Games?

What’s Next for Open World Games?

Open world games are more attractive to players than the linear levels of traditional games. Where do open world games need to improve for staying demanded?

What Are The Different Ways to Experience VR?

What Are The Different Ways to Experience VR?

2016 is the year virtual reality has the potential to truly boom, and here are the three diverging markets that are taking different approach to bringing VR.

3 Reasons VR May Be Hard to Take Off

3 Reasons VR May Be Hard to Take Off

Many are predicting 2016 to be the year virtual reality goes mainstream. There are plenty of skeptics, too, predicting VR may struggle to find mass market.

Michael Pachter Predicts PS4.5 to be VR Model

Michael Pachter Predicts PS4.5 to be VR Model

The recently rumoured mid-generation Playstation 4 update model is expected by one analyst to be a specialised virtual reality update to the Sony console.

Rumours Support Existence of ‘PS4.5’

Rumours Support Existence of ‘PS4.5’

Various reports from games media outlets allege that Sony is working on an enhanced version of the Playstation 4, which is currently being dubbed the PS4.5.

What Fueled the Success of Indie Hit Crashlands

What Fueled the Success of Indie Hit Crashlands

Crashlands was a surprisingly refreshing indie gem for both PC and mobile gaming platforms – something that not too many games can claim. Even the story of how the…

eSports: What’s The Difference Between Gamers and Athletes?

eSports: What’s The Difference Between Gamers and Athletes?

The answer is – competitiveness. But let’s have a closer look. This is what ESPN’s Tyler “Fionn” Erzberger implies in an interview with Weldon Green – a sports psychological…

Will Consumers Be Able to “Trade-In” Digital Games?

Will Consumers Be Able to “Trade-In” Digital Games?

The share of digital trade of video games is growing. Sales of digital downloads reached $61 billion in 2015, with a 34% increase of games downloads for Xbox One…

Analyst Predicts Mainstream Success for Playstation VR Only

Analyst Predicts Mainstream Success for Playstation VR Only

The market analyst firm DFC has made the prediction that Sony’s entry to the virtual reality gaming sector will win big and propel Playstation on to even greater heights….

Video Games Critics and Sales

Video Games Critics and Sales

A comparison of the top-rated games on Metacritic and the 2015 bestsellers on PSN The relationship between critically approved and sales is notoriously difficult to quantify in the world…