Recent announcements of cheaper version of Nintendo Switch and new Pokemon games seem to suggest that the end of the life-span of 3DS may be near.
With the recently announced online subscription based model for the Switch, Nintendo may finally accept that industry standards are the best for business decisions.
The retail sector of the games industry has changed quite a lot over the last 12 months. Now with the Wal-Mart-owned Asda looking to merge with Asda the face…
God of War does more than bring the series into the current console generation, it highlights the divide between Sony and Microsoft and what they’re doing to provide the…
According to MarketWatch, Grand Theft Auto 5 has become the most profitable game of all time with 90 million copies sold worldwide, generating $6 billion in revenue.
List of major video games expected to get released in 2018. Explore game information, release dates, platforms, publishers, find out selling potential.
Does Fifa 18’s in game algorithm make real-time adjustments to the difficulty level for different players during the game depending on the game situation?
To buy or not to buy, ‘tis the question – at least where virtual reality headsets are concerned.
Few would dispute the fact that eSports is one of the fastest and most exciting areas of growth in gaming and, perhaps, anywhere in the entertainment sphere.
The increasing popularity of online gaming seems to be shifting the focus of developers from single-player mode towards improving online capabilities.