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Wolfenstein 2 coming to Nintendo Switch on June 29, 2018

Last night Bethesda confirmed that the long awaited Nintendo Switch port of Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus will be hitting the console on June 29, 2018. While there has been no confirmation of the games DLC also being ported it’s likely that it will be given Bethesda’s history with Nintendo Switch ports.

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus is one of Bethesda’s latest games, and has received great reviews from critics and fans alike. The game was announced as coming to the Nintendo Switch as a port last September, along side the Doom Switch port. While the game may have taken a while to release its sure not to disappoint players as it seems to be just as good a port as Bethesda’s other games.

Bethesda are in the process of bringing their most-recent titles over to the Nintendo Switch. Currently Switch owners can enjoy the latest Doom title on the go, including full multiplayer capabilities, with very little difference to the overall look and feel of the game.

Bethesda has also ported the critically acclaimed Skyrim from the Elder Scrolls series over to Nintendo Switch. This port also received high praise for the connection it allows players to form with their character given the more intimate feeling of playing as them on the Nintendo Switch.

Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus puts players in the shoes of protagonist BJ Blazkowicz once again. The Nazis have moved on from Europe and conquered America where BJ finds a small group of resistance fighters still willing to take the fight to their new overlords.

In terms of gameplay Wolfenstein 2 is a first person shooter but packs more punch into its weapons and combat than most others. The fusion of updated technology and Nazi ideology makes for interspersing enemies that vary the pace of the game throughout the course of the story, and wild characters keep the tone light but engaging as BJ blasts his way through hundreds of enemy soldiers.

The Nintendo Switch port will include all features of the other releases of the game, including a difficulty mode that tasks players with completing the game in the hardest mode without ever dying. The game presents an enjoyable challenge for newcomers and series fans alike.

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