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FIFA 17 releases and tops the charts

1. FIFA 17
EA Games
Fifa 17

3. LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Warner Bros
LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens

5. XCOM 2
2K Games
Xcom 2

7. Destiny: The Collection
Destiny The Collection - Thumb - 200 x 222 - PNG

9. NBA 2K17
2K Games
NBA 2K17

2. Forza Horizon 3
Forza Horizon 3

4. BioShock: The Collection
2K Games
Bioshock Collection

6. Pro Evolution Soccer 2017
PES 2017

8. Rocket League,
505 Games
Rocket League

10. Grand Theft Auto V

Source(s): UKIE, WholesGame

Week ending on 01/10/2016, the Top 10 chart of the best selling wholesale video games. EA Games’ FIFA 17, has released and took number one of the the wholesale and retail charts. Microsoft’s new Forza Horizon 3 released too and took number two. BioShock: The Collection, which was on top the last couple of weeks, has been pushed to number four.

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