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E3 Organiser Discusses Expo’s Future

E3 2016 Expo

MCV recently met ESA, the organisers of E3, the world’s biggest gaming expo in which the biggest and best games of the future are unveiled to the industry heads at the convention and the multitudes of fans watching worldwide.

In the interview, MCV and ESA discussed E3s of the past and present, talking about how they operate the expo and also what new plans they have for E3 2016. MCV spoke with Rich Taylor, the senior vice president of public relations and communications at ESA.

Taylor discussed E3’s plans towards its audience, which has in past years catered to retailers, industry analysts, developers, publishers and members of the media. He said that the question of whether or not E3 should allow game consumers to attend is frequently debated.

The debate surrounding this issue has ended up with the opening of E3 Live, which will allow for a ‘comparatively small’ amount of highly enthusiastic consumers, who Taylor calls ‘prosumers’, to visit the expo and see the conferences and demonstrations on offer.

“The leaders of the industry said we should provide a forum perhaps outside of the Convention Center that allows enthusiastic consumers to be in and around the latest activity. They wanted to give them a place where they can engage and interact with some of these new titles, and beloved games as well,” he said.

With E3 2016 shortly around the corner, Taylor highlighted the importance of the event for the world’s gaming industry, describing it as the ‘single most important event in interactive (entertainment’. He cited last year’s showing from Bethesda, which included the surprise announcements of both Fallout 4 and Fallout Shelter, becoming the most talked about topic across the gaming press, social media and even the mainstream press.

“No other show attracts so many industry decision makers. There’s no other point in time when people’s attention is focused on this industry like it is during this one week in June,” Taylor said. “That’s the power of E3.”

E3 2016 will be held on 13-16th June.

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