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Days Gone stays on top of the UK Charts

1. Days Gone
Days Gone
2. Mortal Kombat 11
Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment
Mortal Kombat 11
3. FIFA 19
EA Sports
Fifa 19
5. Grand Theft Auto V
6. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
9. Forza Horizon 4
Forza Horizon 4
10. Anthem
EA Games

Source(s): UKIE, WholesGame

Week ending on May 4, 2019, the UK’s Top 10 chart of the best selling retail and wholesale video games, Days Gone keeps the top of the charts. Mortal Kombat 11 stays in the second position. And FIFA 19 stays in the third place.

Thanks to another quiet week for releases, the UK physical chart continues to be ruled over by Sony’s Playstation 4 exclusive title Days Gone. The week has been so quiet on the release front that the top four games in the chart remain in the same positions as last week.

Days Gone saw a drop in sales week-on-week of 60 percent, and Mortal Kombat 11 saw even more of a decrease, with week-on-week sales falling by 74 percent. Despite poor reviews for Days Gone, and some controversial news regarding Mortal Kombat 11’s Tower system, it seems as though the games are still performing fairly well with retailers.

As games that released much longer ago, the drop in sales for both FIFA 19 and Red Dead Redemption 2 have been less impactful. FIFA 19 saw a drop in week-on-week sales of 10 percent, while Red Dead Redemption saw a drop of only 3 percent.

The only game in the top ten to see an increase in sales was Grand Theft Auto 5, week-on-week sales for which increased by 14 percent. As a result the game made it to fifth place in this week’s chart, up from eleventh last week.

The only new release for this week was Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age, which saw a version release for Nintendo Switch. This port made it to fifteenth place in the chart.

Despite a lot of bad press surrounding the game, Bioware’s Anthem has creeped back into the top ten from twelfth place last week. Recently the game’s community have been having a rough time with news of last minute changes and delayed content updates, but these seem to have had very little impact on the game’s retail performance.

A more extended list of top sellers can be found here.

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