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Nintendo Wii related news and articles

Gamestop say The Switch could eclipse the Wii

Gamestop say The Switch could eclipse the Wii

Gamestop has issued a statement saying they think the Nintendo Switch could sell even better than Nintendo’s best-selling home console the Wii.

Nintendo Switch debut sales numbers in the UK

Nintendo Switch debut sales numbers in the UK

The Nintendo Switch is off to a solid start as far as game industry experts are concerned, with a solid 80,000 units sold in the UK in its first weekend.

4 Legacy Consoles to Look for

4 Legacy Consoles to Look for

Sony has made a decision to discontinue selling games in PSP format on PlayStation Store. The company has also halted production of PlayStation Vita TV in Japan due to weak demand; citing strong demand for the Vita and PS4 as the main causes for the Vita TV’s decline in the Japanese market. These consoles will […]