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People in Video Game Industry

Sam Houser

Sam Houser

President of Rockstar Games

Satya Nadella

Satya Nadella

CEO of Microsoft Corporation

Scott Lowe

Scott Lowe

Senior Communications Manager at Naughty Dog

Sean Murray

Sean Murray

Managing Director at Hello Games

Shane Kim

Shane Kim

Former Interim CEO of Gamestop

Shannon Studstill

Shannon Studstill

Former Studio Director at Stadia Games and Entertainment at Google

Shawn Layden

Shawn Layden

Former Chairman of SIE Worldwide Studios

Shigeru Miyamoto

Shigeru Miyamoto

Video Game Designer and Producer at Nintendo

Shuhei Yoshida

Shuhei Yoshida

Head of an initiative at PlayStation of working with external developers

Shuntaro Furukawa

Shuntaro Furukawa

President of Nintendo