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Jonny Watts

Country: United Kingdom
Frontier Developments
Frontier Developments

Frontier Developments

Type: Developer

Country: United Kingdom

Position: CEO
Education: MSc from the University of Liverpool
Born: 1971 (age 53 years)
Jonny Watts

Jonny Watts is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Frontier Development. He was appointed to this position in August 2022. Jonny Watts has been with Frontier Development since 1988. He has an MSc from the University of Liverpool.

Profiles and Links:


  • Frontier Developments
    Frontier Developments

    Frontier Developments

    Type: Developer

    Country: United Kingdom

    Frontier Developments
    Frontier Developments
    Frontier Developments

    Frontier Developments

    Type: Developer

    Country: United Kingdom

    Aug 2022 - Present
    ·Employment Duration: 2 yrs 2 mos
  • Chief Creative Officer
    Mar 2012 - Aug 2022
    ·Employment Duration: 10 yrs 5 mos
  • Director of Production
    Jan 2005 - Mar 2012
    ·Employment Duration: 7 yrs 2 mos
  • Head of Production
    Feb 2002 - Jan 2005
    ·Employment Duration: 2 yrs 11 mos
  • Software Developer
    Nov 1998 - Feb 2002
    ·Employment Duration: 3 yrs 3 mos
  • Sensible Software
    Software Developer
  • Bedroom Coder
    Software Developer

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