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Wholesale Games Industry and Market News

No Campaign Mode for Rainbow Six: Siege

No Campaign Mode for Rainbow Six: Siege

Rainbow Six: Siege will not feature a single player campaign mode. Players will instead be tasked with a short single player training mission, before getting sent straight into the…

Fifa 16 Remains on Top

Fifa 16 Remains on Top

Week of 05/10/2015.
1. Fifa 16 – EA Games
2. Destiny: The Taken King – Activision
3. Lego Dimensions – Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 no Single-player on PS3 and Xbox 360

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 no Single-player on PS3 and Xbox 360

The generation of the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 continues its slow decline into the gaming history books, as developer support for the consoles lessens further.

Bioshock Collection Rumoured to Come to PS4 and Xbox One

Bioshock Collection Rumoured to Come to PS4 and Xbox One

The latest rumours are now suggesting that a return to Rapture might be on the cards in the near future with suggestions that the Bioshock series might be the…

Sony: “Chinese Censorship Damages Sales”

Sony: “Chinese Censorship Damages Sales”

In the wake of China’s rescinded console ban, Sony has struggled to reach their desired sales targets in the region.

Analysts Expect 30M VR Headsets to be in Use by 2020

Analysts Expect 30M VR Headsets to be in Use by 2020

Industry analyst Juniper Research claims that the virtual reality market will total 30 million units with a market value of $4 billion by 2020.

Konami to Cease Current Triple-A Titles Except PES

Konami to Cease Current Triple-A Titles Except PES

New reports suggest that Konami will be completely ceasing all development of triple-A consoles titles except for Pro Evolution Soccer.

Uncharted and Assassin’s Creed PS4 Bundles on the Way

Uncharted and Assassin’s Creed PS4 Bundles on the Way

Gamers looking to make the jump to a current gen console might be persuaded by Sony’s latest Playstation 4 bundles, particularly if they are fans of third person platforming…

Xbox Live Indie Games Coming to an End

Xbox Live Indie Games Coming to an End

The Xbox Live Indie Games platform will be closing down permanently towards the end of 2017.

Three Activision Titles to Come to Apple TV

Three Activision Titles to Come to Apple TV

Activision has lent its support to Apple’s foray into the world of living room gaming by making three of their titles available for the next Apple TV.