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Media Markt

Media-Saturn-Holding GmbHMedia-Saturn-Holding GmbH
Wankelstraße 5
85046 Ingolstadt, Germany
Phone: +49 (841) 634-0
Telefax: +49 (841) 634-2478

Management board:
Horst Norberg (Chairman), Jaroslaw Drabarek, Wolfgang Kirsch, Frank
Kretzschmar, Joachim Roesges, Oliver Seidl, Ralph Spangenberg

Entry in the commercial register of Ingolstadt District Court:
HRB 1123

VAT identification number:
DE 165229796


Media-Saturn-Holding includes  three major brands:

Media Markt
is a German retailer, which owns a chain of consumer electronics stores with branches throughout Europe and Asia. It is largest retailer of consumer electronics in Europe.

SaturnSaturn opened its first store in Vienna in 1994. It currently operates approximately 230 stores in 8 countries, approximately 80 in seven European countires. In Germany alone, there are around 150 stores in prime locations with over 8,200 employees in 2012.

Redcoonredcoon joined the Media-Saturn Group in 2011 and, as a so-called Internet pure player, complements the Group’s online portfolio.
