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Dansk Supermarked

Dansk SupermarkedFounded in 1964, Dansk Supermarked is the largest supermarket chain in Denmark. The company currently has 1,200 stores operating in four countries.
Main address:

Dansk Supermarked

Bjødstrupvej 18

DK-8270 Højbjerg, Denmark

Phone: +45 8778 5000
Cvr. 35 95 47 16


Contact addresses of chain:


Bjødstrupvej 18

DK-8270 Højbjerg

Phone: +45 8778 5000


Rosbjergvej 33

DK-8220 Brabrand

Phone: +45 8778 3000

Netto International

Mimersvej 1

DK-4600 Køge

Phone: +45 4356 8822


Søndergade 27

DK-8000 Aarhus C

Phone: +45 8612 1800