dreamGEAR is a manufacturer and distributor of high-quality video game accessories and consumer electronics, and My ARCADE Line of Plug N Play and Portable Gaming Systems. The company has been in business for 14 years. dreamGear products are winners of the International CES innovations Design and Engineering Showcase awards. Entrepreneur Magazine highlighted dreamGEAR as one of the top 300 fastest-growing companies in the United States.
The company markets five consumer brands:
A brand new line. bi·on·ic \bī-ˈä-nik\: adjective: Definition: Utilizing electronic devices to assist humans in performing difficult, dangerous, or intricate tasks.
A line of Portable handheld, Mini Arcade, Plug n’ Play gaming devices (video game systems with Built-In Games), including all-time classic handhelds and traditional arcade cabinets.
Under iSOUND brand, the company offers a wide variety of audio, power, and general mobile products, including Apple licensed products, speakers, batteries, charging docks and other accessories.
The dreamGEAR® brand provides video game accessories for all major video game platforms, including PS4, PSVita, PS3, Nintendo WiiU, Wii, 3DS XL, Xbox One, and Xbox 360.
The company’s premium brand, focused on design and performance. Product line includes accessories for mobile gaming and portable power units. Designed and developed in USA.