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Company Type:
Founded: 2012
Ownership Type: Private
Registrartion Number: 07955622
Country: United Kingdom
22cans - Logo

22cans is a developer of video games based in Guildford, United Kingdom. It was founded in 2012 by Peter Molyneux.

22cans Ltd.

Stirling Road,
Surrey Research Park,
Guildford, Surrey GU2 7RF,
United Kingdom


Profiles and Links:

Key People

  • Peter Molyneux
    Peter Molyneux

    Peter Molyneux

    Country: United Kingdom
    Company: 22cans
    Position: Founder and Creative Director
    Born: 1959 (age 65 years)

    Peter Molyneux
    Peter Molyneux
    Peter Molyneux

    Peter Molyneux

    Country: United Kingdom
    Company: 22cans
    Position: Founder and Creative Director
    Born: 1959 (age 65 years)

    , Founder and Creative Director

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